....a brief conversation took place Saturday at my house.
Me: Hey Ter, after we clean up the dinner dishes we should head down stairs and watch the rest of the (hockey) game on HD.
Terry: Ah, nah, lets just stay up stairs and watch it here tonight.
Me: ??? Wha..? Really? Why, its so much nicer watching it in HD?
Terry: Ok, well, your puzzle is down there (its on the coffee table in front of the t.v.) and I know I will get sucked into it and not be able to watch the game with you. Lets just hang out up here tonight.
Me: Wow, ok.
I guess better get that puzzle done soon.
The man knows his weaknesses.
*It's a puzzle of the Beatles on Abby Rd.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Missing..one teenage daughter

Last seen heading off to grade 10.
Has been spotted occasionally on the ice at ringette and running out of the house to the next coolest thing...EVER!
Evidence has been found indicating she has been at home. Dirty laundry on bedroom floor and a permission slip on left on the table to be signed.
She is tall with short dark hair and usually has a smile ten feet wide on her face.
If you spot her could you please tell her that her Mom misses her and that clothes don't actually wash themselves.
Caution should be used when approaching...she may need money.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Luck or Fate
I have been hearing the word 'luck' allot lately. Sometimes when you hear something over and over again you start to question what it really means or is. At least I do anyway.
As I ponder the word luck, the word 'fate' comes to mind. Are they the same? Do good things, or bad, happen to people by luck or fate?
From what I have been reading it really comes down do a matter of mindset.
A couple of things stood out to me regarding luck. I read Singmund Frued felt that luck was more to do with Locus of control in a person's life which takes away their personal resopnsibility for what happens to them.
The other one that caught me was from the NIV (Ecclesiastes 9:11) which read "I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all"
I see the same reacurring words in all the examples of luck...fate and chance.
Luck to me is an attitude..good attitude=good luck, bad attitude=bad luck.
I have heard the term "Power of Positive Thinking" many times, in books and speeches and so on....its every where! If good things happen to us more than once we are on a string of good luck, bring in one dinger however and your luck has changed for the worse.
Another definition I read about luck is in Shikhism "Luck is, but lack of self confidence and fruit of idleness."
(All this found via google of course.)
What about people who can't bring them selves to take a risk of any kind with out their lucky shirt, or rabbit foot or hat? Forget their lucky trinket just once and they believe they have set them selves up for ultimate doom and failure...once again bringing me back to attitude.
So what is it...?
What brings you good luck? Do you have any 'pre game' rituals? Any must do's before stepping on the stage, or venturing out on your next road trip?
Or do you just leave it all to chance?
As I ponder the word luck, the word 'fate' comes to mind. Are they the same? Do good things, or bad, happen to people by luck or fate?
From what I have been reading it really comes down do a matter of mindset.
A couple of things stood out to me regarding luck. I read Singmund Frued felt that luck was more to do with Locus of control in a person's life which takes away their personal resopnsibility for what happens to them.
The other one that caught me was from the NIV (Ecclesiastes 9:11) which read "I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all"
I see the same reacurring words in all the examples of luck...fate and chance.
Luck to me is an attitude..good attitude=good luck, bad attitude=bad luck.
I have heard the term "Power of Positive Thinking" many times, in books and speeches and so on....its every where! If good things happen to us more than once we are on a string of good luck, bring in one dinger however and your luck has changed for the worse.
Another definition I read about luck is in Shikhism "Luck is, but lack of self confidence and fruit of idleness."
(All this found via google of course.)
What about people who can't bring them selves to take a risk of any kind with out their lucky shirt, or rabbit foot or hat? Forget their lucky trinket just once and they believe they have set them selves up for ultimate doom and failure...once again bringing me back to attitude.
So what is it...?
What brings you good luck? Do you have any 'pre game' rituals? Any must do's before stepping on the stage, or venturing out on your next road trip?
Or do you just leave it all to chance?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Let it snow!
Woke up this morning to a skiff of snow outside.
As we left for work/school we were full of excitement about the snowmen and the snow balls and the forts that lay ahead of us....not today,just a skiff last night, soon.
Nathan was loving the foot prints he was making and the sound of wet snow squishing under his feet, being the first to leave his foot print.
I love the silence of the morning that fresh fallen snow brings.
Then we drive to work.
I will call it a crawl to work. The cars and trucks in the ditch, the cars and trucks on the side of the road with missing pieces of fenders and shattered bumpers. We actually saw a truck seemingly fly off the bridge deck into the ditch finally coming to rest partially on a guard rail after hitting the van that had just minutes before this slid down the same path. Question...if this happened to you, would you get out of your vehicle to "check for damage"?
I couldn't watch anymore as we crawled by. I didn't want to see the next 'driving way to fast for the road conditions' vehicle making a sandwich.
Slow down everyone...just slow down.
The first snow fall, way more fun when you are in elementary school.
Drive safe.
As we left for work/school we were full of excitement about the snowmen and the snow balls and the forts that lay ahead of us....not today,just a skiff last night, soon.
Nathan was loving the foot prints he was making and the sound of wet snow squishing under his feet, being the first to leave his foot print.
I love the silence of the morning that fresh fallen snow brings.
Then we drive to work.
I will call it a crawl to work. The cars and trucks in the ditch, the cars and trucks on the side of the road with missing pieces of fenders and shattered bumpers. We actually saw a truck seemingly fly off the bridge deck into the ditch finally coming to rest partially on a guard rail after hitting the van that had just minutes before this slid down the same path. Question...if this happened to you, would you get out of your vehicle to "check for damage"?
I couldn't watch anymore as we crawled by. I didn't want to see the next 'driving way to fast for the road conditions' vehicle making a sandwich.
Slow down everyone...just slow down.
The first snow fall, way more fun when you are in elementary school.
Drive safe.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Should I stay or should I go?
For sometime now I have felt the urge/need to move on from my current job.
Jump ship.
Go down the other fork in the road.
Check out the grass on the other side.
Find my feet.
Pull the plug.
You get the drift....When I mention this to people I get the same question presented. "But what will you do?" or :What do you want to do instead?" To which I respond with out hesitation..." UUUmmmmmm, I don't know."
I have no real desires to pursue a respected career such as a doctor or lawyer. I have no talents that I have been sitting on like painting or photography. I don't want to take care of or teach other people's children or go back to school at all to earn a degree of any type.
Nope. I am pretty lazy actually and not really interested in having any real big responsibilities at a job.
When I roll it around and around in my head about what I would like to do, what would make me happy, my mind always settles on things like an auto body shop. I don't know what I would do there, I just love the sounds and smells associated with auto body shops. I think about waitressing, not in a bar or a family restaurant, more of a cafe or higher end place. I think allot about working in a book store or at a magazine...again, not sure what I would do at these places exactly but I wonder.....
Things that stop me from breaking free from the corporate grip...medical insurance and the fact that Daniel now needs braces. The hours, Monday to Friday 7:30 to 4:30 is pretty easy to plan around. Car pooling, I LOVE driving to and from work every day with my man, we get work talk out of the way and unwind together so our home time is free of our days B.S. And I would miss our daily lunches most of all.
The big one, M.O.N.E.Y. Kids sports, school, extra activities, trips to Banff, Mexico, hockey games, renovations, clothes, house full of food with out worries and bills and credit cards all paid up.
Terry is of course fully supportive in what ever decision I make regarding jobs and altering our lives. He's pretty darn cool that way.
But what if......?
Jump ship.
Go down the other fork in the road.
Check out the grass on the other side.
Find my feet.
Pull the plug.
You get the drift....When I mention this to people I get the same question presented. "But what will you do?" or :What do you want to do instead?" To which I respond with out hesitation..." UUUmmmmmm, I don't know."
I have no real desires to pursue a respected career such as a doctor or lawyer. I have no talents that I have been sitting on like painting or photography. I don't want to take care of or teach other people's children or go back to school at all to earn a degree of any type.
Nope. I am pretty lazy actually and not really interested in having any real big responsibilities at a job.
When I roll it around and around in my head about what I would like to do, what would make me happy, my mind always settles on things like an auto body shop. I don't know what I would do there, I just love the sounds and smells associated with auto body shops. I think about waitressing, not in a bar or a family restaurant, more of a cafe or higher end place. I think allot about working in a book store or at a magazine...again, not sure what I would do at these places exactly but I wonder.....
Things that stop me from breaking free from the corporate grip...medical insurance and the fact that Daniel now needs braces. The hours, Monday to Friday 7:30 to 4:30 is pretty easy to plan around. Car pooling, I LOVE driving to and from work every day with my man, we get work talk out of the way and unwind together so our home time is free of our days B.S. And I would miss our daily lunches most of all.
The big one, M.O.N.E.Y. Kids sports, school, extra activities, trips to Banff, Mexico, hockey games, renovations, clothes, house full of food with out worries and bills and credit cards all paid up.
Terry is of course fully supportive in what ever decision I make regarding jobs and altering our lives. He's pretty darn cool that way.
But what if......?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Captain *Riot
Well she did it...eight years into her ringette career (hee hee) and Tayler has been named Captain.
The thrill in her eyes as she told me damn near brought me to tears.
She stood before me so proud so grown up, as I pick her up after practice and she loads her equipment into the car she tries oh so hard to be casual about her latest ice time...then she bursts like a dam at its brink. With squeals and jumping up and down with arms waving around, a quick glance around first to ensure none of her teammates were seeing their newly named Captain behaving like a lunatic, she tells me her good news. We hug, we rejoice, we talk over each other quickly about the up and coming responsibilities and duties involved...
Then she's off, friends waiting, a kiss on the cheek, a wave good-bye, a promise to call me later.
Back home I go with what has to be the stinkiest equipment in the world. alone in the car thankful for these moments.
*Riot-The team name name of the latest Sherwood Park Junior B ringette team!
The thrill in her eyes as she told me damn near brought me to tears.
She stood before me so proud so grown up, as I pick her up after practice and she loads her equipment into the car she tries oh so hard to be casual about her latest ice time...then she bursts like a dam at its brink. With squeals and jumping up and down with arms waving around, a quick glance around first to ensure none of her teammates were seeing their newly named Captain behaving like a lunatic, she tells me her good news. We hug, we rejoice, we talk over each other quickly about the up and coming responsibilities and duties involved...
Then she's off, friends waiting, a kiss on the cheek, a wave good-bye, a promise to call me later.
Back home I go with what has to be the stinkiest equipment in the world. alone in the car thankful for these moments.
*Riot-The team name name of the latest Sherwood Park Junior B ringette team!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
This n' That
-October. I simply love October. Fires, in the fire place/pit. Cozy under blankets watching movies. Long walks in the crisp air. Peaking out the window every morning wondering if this is the day we wake up to our first snow fall. Our annual weekend trip to Banff to hike up to the tea house at Lake Louise and just be there! Meeting all the parents and possibly new friends on the children's latest sport teams. Going to Value Village to spend hours putting together Halloween costumes and accessories.Pumpkin carving....last year I even tried and was successful at making pumpkin pies from scratch..from a real pumpkin! Never in my wildest dreams (or the dreams of anyone who knows me) would I have thought I would do that.
-Renovations. We (mostly Terry) have been in constant renovation. We decided to take it nice a slow so that we never feel rushed to finish a project or over extend our budget. Do one thing at a time, pay it off, complete it before moving on to the next thing..Bwa hahahaha...that was a thought.
We tried but it seems that things come up and life gets in the way and all we end up doing is stressing over how that one thing (there are a few of those 'one' things) isn't quite finished yet. It's always there, calling out our name, never ever letting you feel quite at rest at home. Then we start something else due to a deal in product or necessity at the time. We just bought and started the process of laying down laminate flooring upstairs in our house. It will look and feel sooo good and clean and fresh. Terry is such a hard worker and very meticulous so I know it will look fantastic. You can see though he is getting tired of always having to work at something at home and never relax and enjoy it. Once this laminate is down that is it. Renovation hiatus. But you know, that laminate looks so good it makes our kitchen look old and worn out...just kidding Ter...just kidding. (just a little)
-Slow Down. This whole slow down thing that I have been focusing on in my world seems to be working. It does still have a waaaays to go but I can feel the effects already, little reminders go off in my head when i feel like i am rushing. Why are you rushing? I can't believe how effective that is. I am just about halfway through my book but I find that I am latching on the little things in in such as looking around when I am driving. Sounds scary that I am just realizing that huh?! LOL I mean REALLY looking around. I have slowed down and am less stressed getting places...AND...I am still getting there with plenty of time!
-House hunting. We have decided to look at houses for sale. Ever see that show Love it or List it? Yeah...that's where we are. ( we neeed to get on that show) but in doing this, in looking at other houses and how they have been renovated (or usually a lack of) we find that coming home,our house is pretty great...it just needs....*sigh* you heard it already. But seriously, we are looking within our city, but this house has to have it all, has to be move in ready, HAS to give us what we want with out to much effort. I cannot believe how much they want for some of these house!! Blah...In the mean time, we will keep updating our house.
-Banff. So our annual Banff weekend get away this year (the wedding doesn't count!) will be Thanks giving weekend. Words cannot express my excitement for this. We have pre purchased tickets to go see Leela Gilday at Banff Center. We are going to check out the tea house...not the one we usually do but the other one. I can't remember the names but they are cool. And we plan on hiking up sulfur mountain which is one of the most popular mountains for tourist around Banff, its the one with the gondolas, and we have never been. We always end up off on some crazy hike in the deep woods where you expect the bears are all hanging out having their picnics. So this hike should be nice and relaxing.
We will find some cozy restaurant who will be serving up a Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the fixins and treat our selves to some good eats and wine. The drive home will be slow and with stops along the way to take in new places and experiences.
-Children. I don't think I have enough time or words for this subject. With them spending their time between two homes and us not having 100% input or influence on how they are being raised and the morals they are being taught and feeling in complete control of the environment in which they are living I am in constant worry about them and what their future holds...the kind of worry that keeps you awake allot of nights. Its kind of painful actually, that may be the best way to describe it..painful. When they are with us we try so hard to instill a balance of respect for one self, their property and others, we try to teach them empathy and and compassion and goodness. The importance of expressing thought and emotion. We try to allow them to experience life away from the house as well as give them the gift of being home. safe and relaxed to get acquainted with imagination and down time. Terry and I are on the path of learning and discovering all this ourselves so we are hoping that we are teaching by example in life , love, health. All this and more condensed into one week intervals every second week. Painful.
I could go on and on right now....but I will spare you (that is if you are still reading this after that long long blabber)
-Renovations. We (mostly Terry) have been in constant renovation. We decided to take it nice a slow so that we never feel rushed to finish a project or over extend our budget. Do one thing at a time, pay it off, complete it before moving on to the next thing..Bwa hahahaha...that was a thought.
We tried but it seems that things come up and life gets in the way and all we end up doing is stressing over how that one thing (there are a few of those 'one' things) isn't quite finished yet. It's always there, calling out our name, never ever letting you feel quite at rest at home. Then we start something else due to a deal in product or necessity at the time. We just bought and started the process of laying down laminate flooring upstairs in our house. It will look and feel sooo good and clean and fresh. Terry is such a hard worker and very meticulous so I know it will look fantastic. You can see though he is getting tired of always having to work at something at home and never relax and enjoy it. Once this laminate is down that is it. Renovation hiatus. But you know, that laminate looks so good it makes our kitchen look old and worn out...just kidding Ter...just kidding. (just a little)
-Slow Down. This whole slow down thing that I have been focusing on in my world seems to be working. It does still have a waaaays to go but I can feel the effects already, little reminders go off in my head when i feel like i am rushing. Why are you rushing? I can't believe how effective that is. I am just about halfway through my book but I find that I am latching on the little things in in such as looking around when I am driving. Sounds scary that I am just realizing that huh?! LOL I mean REALLY looking around. I have slowed down and am less stressed getting places...AND...I am still getting there with plenty of time!
-House hunting. We have decided to look at houses for sale. Ever see that show Love it or List it? Yeah...that's where we are. ( we neeed to get on that show) but in doing this, in looking at other houses and how they have been renovated (or usually a lack of) we find that coming home,our house is pretty great...it just needs....*sigh* you heard it already. But seriously, we are looking within our city, but this house has to have it all, has to be move in ready, HAS to give us what we want with out to much effort. I cannot believe how much they want for some of these house!! Blah...In the mean time, we will keep updating our house.
-Banff. So our annual Banff weekend get away this year (the wedding doesn't count!) will be Thanks giving weekend. Words cannot express my excitement for this. We have pre purchased tickets to go see Leela Gilday at Banff Center. We are going to check out the tea house...not the one we usually do but the other one. I can't remember the names but they are cool. And we plan on hiking up sulfur mountain which is one of the most popular mountains for tourist around Banff, its the one with the gondolas, and we have never been. We always end up off on some crazy hike in the deep woods where you expect the bears are all hanging out having their picnics. So this hike should be nice and relaxing.
We will find some cozy restaurant who will be serving up a Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the fixins and treat our selves to some good eats and wine. The drive home will be slow and with stops along the way to take in new places and experiences.
-Children. I don't think I have enough time or words for this subject. With them spending their time between two homes and us not having 100% input or influence on how they are being raised and the morals they are being taught and feeling in complete control of the environment in which they are living I am in constant worry about them and what their future holds...the kind of worry that keeps you awake allot of nights. Its kind of painful actually, that may be the best way to describe it..painful. When they are with us we try so hard to instill a balance of respect for one self, their property and others, we try to teach them empathy and and compassion and goodness. The importance of expressing thought and emotion. We try to allow them to experience life away from the house as well as give them the gift of being home. safe and relaxed to get acquainted with imagination and down time. Terry and I are on the path of learning and discovering all this ourselves so we are hoping that we are teaching by example in life , love, health. All this and more condensed into one week intervals every second week. Painful.
I could go on and on right now....but I will spare you (that is if you are still reading this after that long long blabber)
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About Me
- Terry's Girl
- Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier