One week ago yesterday we had the pleasure and the honor to be in Winnipeg to see my beautiful cousin get married.

Becky & Tom are high school sweethearts and July 2nd 2011 they sealed the deal.

And what a wedding it was! Candy and dancing, wine and great food. Lights, decorations, family, friends and perfect weather. It was a perfect wedding.

Look how happy they sweet.

Did I mention there were bubbles?!

The signage was amazing. The handmade flower decorations and streamers were obviously made with a lot of love, care and attention.

Check out these photos of the bride and groom. There were photos of the two of them together throughout their early relationship as well as individuals of each of them as children....Loved this!

My favorite photo was of Becky & Tom (to the right of the photo) and Kim & Nick (to the left) at Kim & Nick's wedding three years earlier who also happen to be the brother AND the sister of the bride and groom of the day....awesome.
A special Thank You to my super talented friend Michel over at the new and fabulous for helping take some of my simple photos and making them look damn good.