What do you think of skinny-alien-cacti-dude? It has room for improvement.
On another note, I recently took a couple of brand spanky new vehicles for test drives. A first for me. I don't believe I have ever set foot in a new vehicle before...the new car smell isn't all it's made out to be.
This whole searching for a new vehicle isn't as fun either. I am getting a little tired of telling our life story to every sales person we come across. Please stop trying to be my life long friend, I am here to check out your vehicles for possible purchase, tell me it's features, sell me well and you may make a buck. But be real. Please be real, I just need some one to be real. Get what I am after?....I think I should stretch out my search, make it my mission to find a car salesperson in this city who can give it to me straight.
This is a lot of money to spend after all, a big decision to make. Each vehicle has their pros and cons it's so hard to decide.
Plus, the one thing that is hard for me is how much time a salesperson will spend on me, taking me for test drives, writing down the #'s, doing the up-selling all while becoming my BFF, it's hard to have some one waste..er..I mean spend all that time on me and then I don't buy their vehicle. Will they be mad at me? What if I park next to them in the mall one day in my new 'other' vehicle? Awkward, after all we were pretty close for 30 minutes.
ooooh man! I like my truck. It's hard to let it go.
I know it's time for something new, we just haven't found each other yet.
I love him!!! he looks like he could have binocular vision, like a chameleon one eye on you and one eye on a fly!