Something I have wanted to do for so long. Being a full time working Mom of three busy children it has been somewhat impossible to do this, or any sport, for so many years. Which was a choice I made and was glad to do it, but as the kids got older and more independent I find time becoming more my own and a slight bit more manageable to do a few more 'me' things.
So this spring I put my name out there saying that I was ready, willing and able to join a ball team if any body wanted exciting/scary. After a week or so I received a call, met up with the manger guy for lunch with my husband in tow (I wasn't crazily going alone) to explain to this semi-interested team manager what I meant exactly when I said things like " I haven't played in many years but I used to be good at it" or " I can't remember the rules so much but I am a quick learner" ~ I know, I can't believe I actually got a call from that either~ In the meeting I guess I some how managed to convince this guy to take pity on me and give me a shot, I showed such enthusiasm after all.....Turns out I remembered less than I thought of the game because I found I am playing slow-pitch not soft ball...slow-pitch has that six foot or more arc in the pitch among other rules that I am sure to 'quickly catch onto', I used to play soft ball which was a more direct, much faster pitch.
No matter, I am so excited to get going.
I play every Monday starting at the end of April if the snow ever melts. Shoot, Nathan plays soccer Mondays & biggy, a minor glitch in the system, we can make it work.
I bought my self a good, used, worked in comfortable glove. I got myself a ball too. Now I just need a bat and cleats. Oh, and the stupid snowy cold weather to GO AWAY ALREADY!!
I am so excited about this new adventure.....I hope I don't suck.
Sounds like you're looking forward to some FUN...and hey...when you feel ready I would love to come out (maybe with Michel?) and take some action sport photos!
Can't wait to see you in action love. Bear XO
I'm in for action shots!!! you are going to rock it. I can't wait to populate your cheering section with gimme a D-O-N-N-A!!!!