Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
When things come into perspective,..
I went to Tayler's parent/teacher/student interveiws last night. Grade 10.
Boy was I nervous. I didn't know what to say, what to ask. I had no comments or concerns on how Tayler was doing in school. She gets grades in the high 70's and 80's, she loves all her classes, she has great friends, is a super star in musical theater, and even oppted to do summer school this year just so she could fit more courses in....and...SHE IS STILL IN SCHOOL.
Just months after leaving grade 10 myself I decided I had enough of that and moved back to WPG, on my own. Got my self a job at an auto body shop and signed up to be an apprentice painter. Away I went on some crazy road to adulthood full of very bad decisions and poor choices all the way. I got my drivers license using the auto body shops courtesy car for pete sake.
Who am I to go to my kids high school and judge how she is doing when I couldn't even do it myself?
Yes, she is turning out pretty good despite my lack of parental abilities, but going to that school last night was inwardly embarrasing for me.
I'm just going to wing it from here.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Well Cold Snowy Weather...!
I hope they let you know how rude it was of you to show up out of the blue like that and ruin their crops and homes.
Just because you made a bad judgement call and went to the wrong place at the wrong time, don't think you can come back here and make us all suffer for your mistakes.
Let's take it slow and easy now. We can work this out and ease into this nicely.
No need to get crazy. Take your time coming back, calm down and we will all be happy.

Monday, November 16, 2009
Post game updates....
Proud to say he scored his first goal of the year during this that would have made a great picture! Nathan is on the right.
And I have this dark faced picture of Tayler (she's on the right) taken just before being knocked out of the semi finals to Edmonton..what a dramatic weekend of ringette that was. Intense games, fun to watch.
But then, I have these pictures of Daniel before,during and after winning a GOLD medal in sparring in his belt and weight class at his Tiger Tournament weekend! Way to go Dan!
In all it was a successful weekend for everyone involved. We all made it to our commitments on time, no one was seriously injured and each came out a little better and more developed for the involvement.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Let the games begin.
Ringette tournaments, Taekwan Do tournaments and soccer games and practices. Throw in a little 'mandatory' parent volunteer time and one pretty intense swim class and we've got ourselves a weekend.
Our schedules are jammed pack filled with game times and practice times, but surprisingly we have some hours of free time. One of us is even going to a b-day party for a friend.
Skates are freshly sharp, jerseys are all washed and smell good.
Water bottles cleaned and on stand by. Mouth guards brushed and sterilized.
Gas tanks full. Bags filled with drinks and snacks. Camera batteries charged. Memory cards cleared. Every one well aware of who drives who where and pick up who else when.
*fingers crossed*
I think we're ready.
Am I missing any thing? Did I forget someone? Oh my gosh..where is my travel coffee mug?
Oh yeah and my big giant clappy hand...bwaa hahaha...I love that thing. I think its just me.
LET's GO DARK DEVILS ---Nathan soccer
LET's GO RIOT---Tayler ringette
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The phone call.....
There I was sitting at my desk lost somewhere between day dreams of sandy beaches and the reality of warranty's on diesel engines when the phone rang.
It was the principle of Daniel's junior high school snapping me instantly into the responsibilities of being a parent.
"I just wanted to inform you that your son has received a two day in school suspension for punching another boy in the face and causing him to bleed"
For those of you who know Dan, you will know that he is a sweet, simple little boy in a big boys body who literally wouldn't hurt a fly. (he gets upset at us when we kill flies and spiders in the house instead of trying to catch them and put them outside) The principle and I had a good long talk, he listened silently as I explained the good natured side of my son. As I was doing this however, all I could think was 'I wonder if all the parents he has to call give him the same story?' But my story is true! Really.
After all was said between us we both agreed Daniel did the crime and will serve his time and we would look forward to a positive restart not letting this situation define Daniel at school. I know the other boy involved in this incident, I know what took place.
We knew what happened, we knew the story and the way things went down. Why I was so shocked when I received this phone call is beyond me. What did I expect would happen? I guess it was a wake up call for all of us.
The little boy innocence of elementary school goofing around on the play ground, now turned into pre teen awkwardness and young boy turning into man all mixed up in one pot, this equals one life lesson on the road to many many more.
Ready or not, it's time for us to grow up...
..I'm not ready.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I'm here
I find myself enthralled with photography blogs. I love looking at the photos people have captured. How do they do it? How do they see that shot?
The cameras, lens, and light.
The terminology used to describe how this shot was possible. I find it fascinating. None of it sinks in of course. I find my self with a longing to capture such beautiful photos. I don't even know how to load pictures onto the computer. I just haven't made my self learn, haven't allowed my self the time and dedication that it will take. I am not interested in starting something I can't finish, again. Not interested in getting involved in something that will use up so much of my time and money and focus that has no practicality, no purpose. It would be selfish of me really.
What will I do with it? Will I be good at it?
Does it matter if I am good at it, or if it has any purpose, if it takes up some of my time? Will it matter to any one if I tried and failed?
I think I just talked myself into something.
I am so busy with work and kids school and sports and social lives what better thing to learn and grow into and practice on then taking pictures of my family doing what they love, what makes them happy. Terry's ongoing DIY and vehicle projects.
I think I have some research to do.
Thanks for walking through this with me.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Double Lollies
About Me
- Terry's Girl
- Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier