Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A classic Seinfeld moment

Terry and I were out and about this Monday enjoying the beautiful weather brought to us sponsored by Family Day.
It was weird not having the whole family with us to savor the day (they were with their Dad this weekend) but we knew we couldn't just sit inside and ignore this fantastic February day. Besides, Terry needed a break from his insane addiction to studying.
So we drove around checking out the various venues around the city and settled on parking down town and walking around Churchill Square.
We parked in the City Center parkade then headed into this amazing downtown gerbil cage for humans. Its a huge down town mall that is linked via pedways over and under ground. You never really have to go out side. I haven't been there much but it is fun to be in amongst the 'real' people of the city.
Check out this pedway system.
So then we headed out side to Churchill square which was full of people enjoying the various activities set up pretty specifically dedicated for small children..

Can you believe this is February?!

I found this underfoot. I placed it up against the monument in hopes who ever dropped it spots it.

Check out these super cool burning barrels. Pay close attention Terry! :o)

I want one!

We walked around quite a bit and just did some people watching while soaking up the unusually warm February sun....soooo nice!!

Onto our Seinfeld moment. When we finally decided we had enough we strolled back to the parkade to grab our truck and head for a rare afternoon lunch out. We talked about how nice these stolen moments were and too far between. We grabbed the first exit we found into the parkade. First mistake. We are such creatures of parking habit, we ALWAYS park in the same area every where we go so as not to have to worry about forgetting where we parked. We are well aware of our ageing! LOL and our scattered thoughts! We never go down town so we don't have a spot!! But as out of practice as we are heading out into the world lately we didn't think to look around to remember where we parked. Apparently this parking garage (which really isn't that big) is made up of four or five levels but in different spirals?! Not really sure but I do know we were not on the correct 'spiral' and were not entirely sure of where we parked. Terry felt confident at first. So I followed. All the while snapping pictures (mostly still blurry pictures! DOH!) and thinking about this Seinfeld episode .Classic. We were now living it.

This doesn't look right!

So we forged on...how much farther could it be anyway?


We finally decided to head out side and walk around to were we drove in.Oh my....there she is! We treated her to a nice wash after lunch.


  1. Oh puh-lease. You know what all those 'real' people were thinking? "Huh. Look at that cool couple. It sure is nice to be here amongst the 'real' people!"

  2. Oh, plus, good job finding your car, ya oldies! ;)

  3. I am *so* bad at finding my car in parking lots. I've had many wandering expeditions like yours. I swear I can't even find it when it's parked in my parents' driveway. That's why it's nice to have Daryl. He always remembers where the car is parked. So I just follow him now : )

  4. Well at least you didn't just buy a goldfish ;)


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier