Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The fall of Riot

Just a quick update for all you ringette fans out there....heeelllooo?? are you there? Anyone?
Ok, I will update the rest of you then.
I did take a few pictures (still in camera, no where near me right now) but there is really nothing to see.
Riot went into what is now their final game of playdowns and lost out to Beaumont. I gotta say, they did not go down with out a fight. Their passing game is what lost it for them in the end...or they lack of it.
It was quite the exciting final game, I was a little worried though in the second half that we weren't going to get to stay and see the end since we have a parent or two on our team that are quite vocal with the men and woman in stripes and we got threatened that we would be removed with one more out burst from the stands and Riot would get a bench minor...embarrassing!!
Tayler had a great game, one of the best games I have seen her play in quite some time. She really did look amazing out there. She played center where she usually plays defence. I was shocked because she usually doesn't have the legs for center, not last night. That girl was every where and hard. She fought the corner battles and seemed to always come out with ring in tow...she checked, she defended and yup, she scored the teams only goal that game with a couple other extreme chances that you would have thought 'robbed' had you saw it with your own eyes.
Nothing left but the party now.
Just two more weekends of soccer to go and we should be weekend free.....for now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! sad to hear the Riot are done. Wish I would have seen this amazing althletic display!!! Will I get the chance to throw my hat on the ice next year?!?! Tayler? will I?


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier