Thursday, January 2, 2014

Advice For the Newbie

One of the top resolutions people make heading into the new year is to get healthier, lose weight, start a work out routine.

As a former New Years resolution-er myself looking to make the change and get in shape (circa 2003) I feel I am in a position to share some advice with those looking to go the journey through joining the gym route.

I first joined the gym as 2003 rolled in.
It wasn't always an easy road. I had many ups but mostly downs at the beginning. I was also just heading into another new roll of becoming single Mom.
I did stick with it, though it wasn't easy. The gym is a very intimidating place for the new. Your not going to be met with open arms and helpful veterans of the gym. Your dedication will be tested and your passion to succeed will be pushed to its limits.

My best advice for those going in fresh is quality over quantity.
Start small, start light. Your first goal from the get go should be 21.
21 is how many days it takes to form a new habit. We are all creatures of habit. We are so stuck in our ways that committing to such a huge step that is outside of our ordinary routines will open up our vulnerability causing us to take any out or make any excuse to postpone that comes along.

Go to the gym at the time that suits you best, I'll tell you that between 5pm and 7pm is a nightmare with Monday to Wednesday being the worst.
Try to go at off times in the beginning if you can. Friday nights and Saturday and Sunday mornings are my favorites. I promise you will find more patients and less stressed out beef necks at these times.
When you first go I highly recommend asking for a tour, it's free, take a walk around with one of the staff, get to know the place before you start. This way your not wondering around like a doe in headlights.

Seriously, talk to a trainer even if its just for one session. Your goals and fitness levels are not going to be the same as your cousin Sally so don't think just 'working in' with someone will be OK. You risk getting hurt and even frustrating yourself self right out the door because you feel you can't keep up with Sally.

Get your brain programed to the fact that the changes will come in time. Not in a week or even a month. Just keep moving, no matter how small the movement, form the habit and build from there.
You have a 21 day goal. That doesn't mean go 3 times in 21 means go 21 times as often as you can until you find the times and locations that work for you
 Join a beginner class of anything for just once a week. You will be surrounded by other like minded individuals where you will feed off of each others excitement for the changes your making. This will help hold you accountable.

The hardest part is getting there, just go. By the time you finish your session and walk out the door you will be so thankful you did. Trust me.
If you are looking for the energy to get to the gym you will find it surprisingly at the gym. every time you go it gets stronger.

Most of life is routine - dull and grubby, but routine is the momentum that keeps a man going. If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street.
 Ben Nicholas 

And for those making a go of it at home on your own. It's the same deal. Try not to set your goals so high at first. Jillian Michael's is tough. I have heard of 5 different people starting with the 30 day Shred recently. This is hard for anyone.
I suggest using her video, or others like hers, as a part of your weekly routine. Once or twice a week would be perfect. To know your going to start making changes and thinking this is what you have to do to get there will only be setting yourself up for defeat. That type of intensity is hard to keep up for even the seasoned.
Try not to beat yourself up to much. Start in first gear, because starting in third will only cause you to stall.

You've got this right? You want it. No excuses.

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Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier