Wednesday, August 25, 2010

September..the REAL begining of the year

Not much going on in my neck of the woods these days, and by not much I mean running around crazy getting three kids ready for back to school and their various after school activities in order that start up next week.
It seems to have snuck up on us like a rouge title wave we didn't see coming. School on Aug 30th? Seems kind of early if you ask me. Didn't summer just start? Boy it flew by this year. Is it because we are getting older? Maybe because we did so many things separately this summer. I don't know, I'm just not ready yet is all I am saying.

Tayler is in what she calls her last year of ringette...maybe..U19. Can you believe that? 9 years ago my little girl started playing a game that she knew nothing about, they all looked so cute out, they are woman and they are not so cute anymore, they are kind of mean actually. They speak a language down on that ice that I am glad we can't hear in the stands. She says she is having fun and enjoys it still. I really hope that's the case. Tayler also works part time at McDonald's and is very much involved in the musical theatre program in her school. Tayler also has a boyfriend named Rob who is very nice and a very accomplished hockey player who is at this moment in Chilliwak BC at a scouting camp. Tayler heads into grade 11 this year.

Daniel is nearing the final stages of testing for his black belt in Taekwando, he was able to take a month off from it this summer which I was very thankful for. The club goes all year round and Dan has been going every week night training for this as well as Saturdays to keep his sparring up. Its to much, but I don't always get the last say in this. Two parents, two house holds. I voice my concerns in moderation and gently, I don't want him to think I don't support him. When he finally gets his black belt I will speak a little louder and get his time spent at that dojang greatly reduced and his time out experiencing the world and friends increased. Daniel delivers flyers twice a week and is also interested in becoming a life guard, having completed swim levels up to the Red Cross Bronze medallion & star, he has to wait until he turns 13 to continue forward. Daniel will be in grade 8 this year.

Nathan, oh my little Nathan. He was our little soccer star, that boy put it all out there on the field every time he stepped out which was why we were a little surprised to hear him say that he was getting bored with soccer and wanted to learn to tap dance.....huh? Well OK!!! Let's do this thing. We went to an open house at a dance school close to home and found out what we needed to know (how much money) to get this guy tapping his toes. We discovered a world through those doors so foreign to us we will have to learn the language to understand what they are saying as we move forward. Where does one buy tap shoes anyway? What clothes/uniform/equipment do we need?.... we are still searching for those answers. He is pretty darn excited about this though, you can catch him dancing to the beat going on in his head every so often with his new self purchased fedora style hat permanently glued on his head these days. I am VERY proud of him for following his heart and not staying involved in something just because all his friends are doing it (seriously, all his friends are in an advanced level of soccer). That boy is really looking forward to next week, he CRAVES a schedule and structure. Nathan will be dancing into grade 4 this year.

As for Terry and myself, I can sum it up quickly with a couple of, renos and planning.
We are looking forward to a September weekend camping trip alone to Banff the weekend after labour day weekend. A little wind down time to catch our breath, or...because we will be in the mountains in September seeing our breath is more accurate. I am so so so so very much looking forward to that weekend. Banff is my happy place.
Once we come back we will be full steam ahead again into getting our home renos finished (really? is there an end to this?) and looking forward to our much anticipated and long long awaited family trip to Mexico's Mayan Riviera in November.
So much to be thankful for every day.

I will leave you with two links to a couple of short videos Michel found and sent to me.
Depending on your emotional level at this time you may need a tissue. These are worth the 4 minutes each to check out.

Q&A by Story Corps
also by Story Corps
Danny & Annie my favorite.

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Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier