Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Add this to my office annoyance list

I am well aware that this could just be me. I know I have crazy idiosyncrasies and that as I age 'gracefully' my tolerance levels seems to be lowering. Perhaps it is just another in the the long list of evidence that I am due for a vacation but.....................
.............why oh why do people clip their nails at their desks?! It seems so...I don't know, dirty. Where are all those out of control little nail pieces flying off too? You simply cannot coral all of them. Blech.
At least go to the bathroom.
It seems like a daily occurrence around here lately...babies and nail clippings..!

hahahahahahahaha...listen to me....I sound like some cranky ol' crank going on about people around me at work. *sigh*

Did I mention it may be time for me to take a vacation? The last time I took one week off in a row was when I married the man of my dreams...it was such a happy time..it will be one year in 18 days.

I think my eye is starting to twitch.

Look how long my nails are getting....I should clip those suckers... WHEN I GET HOME!!



  1. Yeah, I totally agree. I must admit though, to doing some at desk filing, but I have a whole office to myself...and I sheepishly hide the file in my skirt if anyone does the whole knock and walk in (which is a whole other office annoyance)...but in cubicleland? Just wait until you're home. Or outside.

  2. I used to work with a lady that would sit at the lunch table and clip her nails. And to make it worse, she'd make a pile of her clippings on the table.
    Just about enough to make you lose your lunch!
    On a different note, I feel like I'm always cutting nails. Between Sam, Trin and myself... that's 60 nails to keep up with. Crazy!


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier