Thirteen years ago today.....a little baby boy was born. This very small creature was called Daniel.
Daniel came into this world a bit early. Nine weeks early.
Thirteen years ago this 3 lb not yet ready to face the world on his own little man who was facing an uphill struggle came into my life. I was scared for him, for how this way to early arrival would affect his future.
Daniel came into this world a bit early. Nine weeks early.
Thirteen years ago this 3 lb not yet ready to face the world on his own little man who was facing an uphill struggle came into my life. I was scared for him, for how this way to early arrival would affect his future.
Though we had our issues and bumps along the way I can proudly say without hesitation that my premature boy has grown into a wonderful, sometimes pretty forgetful, young man whose feet I hope he will one day grow into....seriously, size thriteen!! yikes!
Today Daniel turns thirteen years old....he is full of wonder and adventure. I still worry about his future but thankfully not in the same way I had to on December 31, 1997. Happy 13th Birthday Daniel
13? Already?! Yikes! Happy belated b-day Daniel!!!