Tuesday, January 12, 2010


~took a walk yesterday at lunch with my Husband. The day was beautiful and it was so great to get out and move and breath. We were walking along the side walk on Gateway Blvd when we heard the skidding of tires from brakes that had just been laid on hard. It all happened instantly of course. As we turn our heads in panic we saw/heard (I saw, Terry heard) an SUV from the inside lane turning into a little black truck in the lane directly to our right. Hearts racing we find ourselves staring into the face of a stunned bearded man asking us if we saw what happened. "No" Terry said seemingly with out thought " We were to busy watching our lives flash before our eyes" Thank you Mr. Snow bank. You saved us. How instantly our lives could have been different. How a moment by one person two lanes over with other thoughts on his mind could instantly have sent us along a new path. Yikes.

~Taking the kids and us in for H1N1 shots tonight. This has been a long decision making process to get here. So many ups and downs and pros and cons. Who's right? Who's crazy when it comes to what is the best thing to do for our family. We decided we are healthy, logical people who can take care of ourselves and fight off this silly bug. So here we are, tonight, the five of us, going in voluntarily to be immunized. (maybe not all of us voluntarily) We want so bad to take our little gang to Mexico next winter and the more I thought about the kids in a different country the more I realize that we will need all the help we can get to ensure nothing gets in the way of our good times.

~One of Tayler's teammates hit the ice pretty hard at their tournament this weekend, which is not unusual, it happens all the time. The girls at this age are getting pretty aggressive considering ringette is a non-contact sport. Turns out this girl has a pretty bad concussion. She looked pretty messed up after the game so they took her to the hospital. Of course we all know the risks and do our best to take the necessary precautions but you can't seem to protect against it all. Or can we? Looking into this concussion thing a bit more I was surprised to learn that the younger you are the easier it is to get a concussion and the longer it is to recover from it. It is usually the other way around, you know the saying, they're young and resilient..they'll bounce back quickly. Not so much in the case of our brain apparently. One small detail that could have helped prevent this, a mouth guard. Seems like a no brainer doesn't? Some times we tend to over look to obvious.

~I have a semi-informal meeting coming up today or tomorrow with my two bosses. I guess they are giving us a chance to vent. It's like a review but this time we are supposed to be reviewing the company and where we see ourselves in it in the future. I have had so many speeches prepared in my head. I won't, of course, bore you with them but I am weighing heavily towards the speech where I air my laundry. Really let them know how I feel about the moral and negativity around us daily here. I will go in armed with the raw truth and hope for a better, clearer future here at the big 'W'. But I won't really. I am stronger in my confidence and am going to go in and express some concerns and give some suggestions for changes but in reality money talks...at least for now. In the mean time I will keep the day dreams alive.

~Quick update on the New Years resolutions to this point...I have purchased some cute little cards for future mailings, none gone out yet but I have good intentions....My gas tank is at this moment down to the last few liters ( we took Terry's car to work today) so that is a fail but I have been paying attention to the gas pump # when I do make it there, kind of. That's a bit of a lie, I am cheating. I have been doing pay at the pump. It's so easy!...I haven't learned to cook anything new yet for dinner but I did notice we have this great little company in our town that lets you come in and put together ingredients for different meals and them take the meals home to freeze for future dinners. I may just look further into that one.... I have been to the gym quite a bit, six days in a row last week. I love it!! No running yet. I find I can't read the magazines that way, it's a work in progress....Going to more festivals, as soon as we have time for sure.

~Terry started the first of his many many courses he will be taking over the next three years in pursuit of his dream of breaking free from the chains of his dependency on the oil and gas industry and becoming the personal trainer he was always meant to be. Yup, he is chasing his dreams, following his bliss, taking the reins of his life and so on a so forth...you get the drift. I am so excited for him but will miss the free time we spend together, its a small sacrifice to make. I hope he finds what he is looking for at the end of this road. Either way, it will be an interesting journey....Giddy up. You can follow along with some of that journey here.

1 comment:

  1. Always the truth. it will set you free!

    um, wow? wft!!! I'm so glad you're safe.

    I like this line though..
    "No" Terry said seemingly with out thought " We were to busy watching our lives flash before our eyes"


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier