Friday, March 26, 2010

Building Bridges

Helping kids with schools projects seems never ending.
There always seems to be something to buy, glue, find & create.
Most recently is Nathan. He has to construct a bridge for his grade 3 class to wrap up their Buildings and Structures unit.
They were to build a bridge of their own design using the knowledge they learned in class from materials found at home using connectors and/or adhesives.
The bridge must span 30cm and hold a mass of 1kg. Once completed they have to write a report on how they built it and why they think it will work etc.
This is yet another, on his ever growing, insanely long list, of reason why I am so happy and grateful for Terry in our lives. Boy can this guy take a project and run with it. Every plan, detail and tool handled with extreme care and consideration in making the final outcome nothing less than perfect.
In Nathan's words "Terry Rocks!" Good job boys.


  1. YAY Terry and Nathan!!!! perhaps we have a little engineer on our hands?!

  2. With Nathan's super math skills lately, who knows! Where on earth did it come from??!


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier