Thursday, March 25, 2010

good bye rolling gallery

All day every day trains roll by our office windows covered in graffiti. There are some pretty darn talented hooligans out there. This one isn't one of the better ones. Don't get me wrong, I don't condoned vandalism at all I just think that we see so much untapped, underfunded talent roll by our windows every day, we might as well enjoy the view. After today our personal rolling art gallery will be no more.


  1. ah... its a sad sad day. we'll have to get you that digital frame up and running soon!!!!

  2. awww, I totally know what you mean! bad graffiti is bad, but when it's good, it's so cool. I especially love watching it on trains going by.

    One guy in Osborne village told the kids who kept vandalizing his restaurant, if they could not spray paint it for one whole month, they could come in and take their time and really paint it cool. So they did. And they painted it. And it was an incredible example of grace, opportunity and hidden talent.

  3. What a great idea Pam! that is a restaurant owner working WITH the kids in a really positive way. Great story!

  4. Seriously great story. I wish we heard that happening more often. The world would be a different place.


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier