Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oh what fun

Thanks to the generosity of someone at work I received free tickets to last nights Oiler's final home game of the season. Seriously though, these tickets are not hard to get these days, nobody seems to want to go see a 30th place team at the end of a season.....*sound of record scratching* Ah. Yah they do!
Sure all the seats were not completely filled but it still was a packed house. People were cheering and full of energy and excitement. The jerseys were still worn with pride and you could still feel the love. With the Nay Say-ers and Negative Nellie's sitting in their bar stools grumbling into their much cheaper beers, it left for the real fans, the real support system, a moment to share with our home team our belief and positive outlook for the coming season.
Doing their part to show their appreciation for those of us still up in the stands, they went out with an overtime, come from way behind win for us. Fantastic!

We'll get em next year.

Thanks for coming and sharing this fun night with me Michel.....I'll let you catch the t-shirt next time! LOL


  1. They will do great next year love. Because of your support....

  2. What was that you said Bear? They will do great because of my mini-pack support? aaawww thats so sweet of you.

  3. teehee!!!! nice one D. She's got a point there Ter.


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier