Wednesday, April 14, 2010

There they grow again

I am proud to announce that not one but two of my children are now legitimately employed. Money will start rolling in at any time....well, as much as delivering flyers and working at McD's will have money rolling in.
Tayler and Daniel.
I can' t even explain the excitement of these two. They have yet to deliver the first flyer or flip the first burger. They are still both blissfully basking in the unknown world ahead of them. So full of glamour and money and feelings of Independence.
I love seeing this side of them. The world as they know it is about to change. They have no idea.
They are still left imagining all the fine things their new found riches will buy. Spending the money before they have earned it. Really, why should they be any different from the rest of us? LOL
We will be sitting down with them doing the money talk before they see their first cheque...get them on a plan and set a path now before they get carried away.
I sure hope it works.
Tayler unfortunately starts her job with a pre existing debt to pay off.
The reason she went job hunting in the first place. Next year the grade 11 & 12's at her school are off to New York for spring break. The Fine Arts program at her school are going to be taking in Broadway plays and wonderful concerts and workshops for 7 whirlwind days with out parents. You can imagine a trip like this costs a bit of money, so she agreed to pay for one third of it as well as spending money on top.
Welcome to the working world guys.


  1. Oh Joy! Daniel too? great job kids!! I imagine Terry will have them all set up with retirement plans by the end of the summer!
    Good job D!!! you raised some hard working kiddlets!

  2. Working on the plan !!!!!


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier