Friday, June 11, 2010

the end.

-Our house guests are leaving today and that makes me sad. Today the sun came out and will stay out for the next few days. Back porch kinda weather. And of course its the weekend. Those two things combined make for some good times. While our house guest were here we were pretty busy and they were busy so we didn't get to visit much. It was nice to see them, I would have like to have actually gone to see the show they came all this way to do but that didn't work out this time. I hope they come back for another...perhaps house concert?? hmmmm
-The other sad part about this, with the rain being gone and the promise of a weekend of sunshine ahead, is the kids are going back to their Father's for a week starting today.
Suddenly the house is empty.
-The NHL playoffs are done. While most don't care, for me it is a bit of a relief. For 8 and a half months I spend my 'spare time' trying to catch part of ~the game~. I get in quite a few actually much to the dismay of most of my family. I go to one when I can but usually just catching it at home satisfies me. The payoffs come and suddenly its warm outside, two really great things in my book that just don't fit together. I LOVE the action...the build up to the finally, but then its done...can I get a phew? Yeah, it is a relief to be done, trying to shut my mind off from "what time is the game on" is easy, like finally getting that nap I wanted. Glad its over ...Now I start the 3 and a half month count down until hockey starts again. yyyaaaaayyy
-The work week, just a couple more hours. The Monday to Friday. What can I say about that? OK, keeping positive here....yes, OK, I got it. ~~Thank you to my job for allowing me to spend my weekends with my friends and family. Thank you for the income you provide so we can eat well and enjoy the good things life has to offer. Thank you for the security of medical insurance and most of all I thank you fro my daily access to the Internet. ~~
(wow, I think these new little pills I am taking are working! j.k)
-While all of these things winding down and coming to a version of end I am excited in a mellow, laid back kind of way, about the quiet date night I get to enjoy with my husband at home. Through him I find my calm, my rest and a peace like nothing else can give me. Thank God for that and him. (and these wonderful little pills....again I kid)

I am Grateful


  1. Dear Donna's blog,
    Thank you for letting me catch up with my dear friend when life is too busy sometimes to do it in real life. I like laughing at your jokes, nodding along side your ideas and getting a peek into your day to day life. This internet thing is pretty great! I also thank YOU internet - for being so darn amazing.

    my best,

  2. Oh, I hope you guys have just a really lovely evening relaxing. Sometimes that's the best thing. And thanks for lookin' after the band...they love staying at your house!


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier