Thursday, June 24, 2010

Left eared???

Is it possible to be left or right eared?
You know, like left handed or right handed?

My right hand, foot & whole right side really is defiantly my dominant side, right up to my eye sight. My left contact is way stronger for my weak left eye.

Funny I play hockey/ringette left handed but baseball right.

What gives?

When on the phone the receiver will always be on my left ear.
Today at work I am so busy (you can tell by my blogging right?) that I was uber multitasking and I had to place the phone on my right ear, well.....that was if it was burning me as I held it I was desperate to get it over to my left ear ASAP. It just fits better, feels better.

What odd creatures we are.


  1. Ha ha ha, but SO true. I'm definitely right earred! It just feels so wrong on my left, and after all these years, I think my phone cradling shoulder (right) is also stronger. My left one is so pathetic...

    we are weird.

  2. Oh my goodness! I'm totally right handed but put the phone to my left ear!

    How odd! I'd never thought of that!

  3. That is funny :) I have always noticed myMom makes sure the phone is on her left ear yet she is right handed, but as for me I am both either, right or left , however, I think the right dominates. You should take a poll on this, it would be fun to see the results.

  4. Mark me down for left eared too! if its on the right side my shoulder doesn't even know what to do. the receiver just falles off!


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier