yummy ocean air.....awesome beachy hair.....bathing suit for underwear
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Day
But only for our neighbors to the south, us Canadians enjoyed our Thanksgiving feast back in October,
In hindsight, and I hope I remember this next year, I should have booked off these next couple of days for my own relax at home vacation time.
Every time I go to do something here at work this morning I find that I can't because most of my dealings are with the U.S. I am roadblocked by the turkey.
I may spend some time doing some 'Black Friday' investigation though. It sounds interesting to me....from what I've seen so far there may actually be some real deals, not like "boxing day" deals but real actual sales....and BEFORE Christmas to boot....This may sound crazy but, I think those Americans might just be onto something!!
~The bright side of today so far~
The weather is warm today, jumping from -25c yesterday to -1c today, I have completed all the parent teacher interviews. (yay) I am ready with supplies for a little guy/man to celebrate becoming 9. My coffee tastes great. Michel's photo today made me smile big. I am wearing my favorite boots today and my husband made me a yummy breakfast this morning. I'm thinking we may even get our Christmas lights up....let's not push things...back to aawwwww today.
In hindsight, and I hope I remember this next year, I should have booked off these next couple of days for my own relax at home vacation time.
Every time I go to do something here at work this morning I find that I can't because most of my dealings are with the U.S. I am roadblocked by the turkey.
I may spend some time doing some 'Black Friday' investigation though. It sounds interesting to me....from what I've seen so far there may actually be some real deals, not like "boxing day" deals but real actual sales....and BEFORE Christmas to boot....This may sound crazy but, I think those Americans might just be onto something!!
~The bright side of today so far~
The weather is warm today, jumping from -25c yesterday to -1c today, I have completed all the parent teacher interviews. (yay) I am ready with supplies for a little guy/man to celebrate becoming 9. My coffee tastes great. Michel's photo today made me smile big. I am wearing my favorite boots today and my husband made me a yummy breakfast this morning. I'm thinking we may even get our Christmas lights up....let's not push things...back to aawwwww today.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
-27 wake up call
Funny thing when it gets to be this cold (-35 with the wind chill) It makes me feel happier about it being winter. (until I have to to something out side) I wish I was staying home and not going out in it but at the same time it brings a sence of comradery in the work place. It is something that is affecting every one, all together at the same time.
I can associate it (in my brain anyway) to the feeling I get when I am at a sporting event, of any kind. We are all here together experiencing the same thing all at once.
We're all in this together.
It may be harder to explain than I thought.
I was even surprised to see that all the buses were running and no school was going to be affected. It seems that over the past few years the schools shut down at the drop of a snow flake, that may be exaggerating a bit but not to far off.
And the thing that put a smile on my face when I got to work this morning.......some one looking at me with a straight face as I walk into our office area and asked me:
"Is it cold enough for you?"
With my mouth agape for a few seconds all I could pre-coffee muster was "Did you seriously just ask me that question?"
In case your on the edge of your seat, the answer is yes...YES it is cold enough for me today.
I can associate it (in my brain anyway) to the feeling I get when I am at a sporting event, of any kind. We are all here together experiencing the same thing all at once.
We're all in this together.
It may be harder to explain than I thought.
I was even surprised to see that all the buses were running and no school was going to be affected. It seems that over the past few years the schools shut down at the drop of a snow flake, that may be exaggerating a bit but not to far off.
And the thing that put a smile on my face when I got to work this morning.......some one looking at me with a straight face as I walk into our office area and asked me:
"Is it cold enough for you?"
With my mouth agape for a few seconds all I could pre-coffee muster was "Did you seriously just ask me that question?"
In case your on the edge of your seat, the answer is yes...YES it is cold enough for me today.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Not Mexico & No pictures
Wow...are you still here?! LOL
We went shopping yesterday at West Edmonton Mall. We can't call it Christmas shopping since we bought a birthday gift and some discount rack clothes for our selves.
I really love going to WEM around Christmas time. The lights, the sounds, the music & the people...oh man the people. So many people. Some grumpy, some oblivious to others around, some rude, some happy, some friendly....A good mix of personalities for sure....The line ups are starting to get long and it seems the Christmas staff is in place to accommodate. The shelves are freshly stocked and not yet rummaged through where everything thing is all over the floor and usually in wrong spots. WEM is bad for that I find.
The one thing that struck me though was how flaming hot it was in every store...We left our jackets in the car even knowing we would be warm inside lugging them around, but even in just our sweaters we were cooking. Please turn down the heat in your stores when its cold out side. We dress for the cold out side so by the time we make it to the mall we don't require the heat cranked up, and with all the people.....oy! It was pretty uncomfortable.
We took the boys too....I had a 2 for 1 coupon for a WEM all day attraction pass and I told them they could go spend a few hours there but they had to come up with half of the amount for a one person ride all day pass....they were pretty happy to do this I'll tell ya what! They were counting their coins and making deals (Nathan had waaaay more money than Daniel) and really getting along about it all, these two don't always 'agree' on everything. I admit I was a little concerned leaving them alone but we created meeting spots and had cell phones hooked up and made them swear they wouldn't leave each others side....They had a blast and we had four hours of leisurely people watching and window shopping and it only cost us $16.00. Not bad I say.
WEM doesn't wow me though. I don't find it spectacular or as incredibly large as described...it is surprising to see the same store over and over again just on different levels and in different phases. It seems to be showing it's age and besides a few new rides at Galaxy Land doesn't show much in the way of upgrading like many smaller or regular size malls have been lately. It can be quite run down even when it comes to some washrooms.
Stores come and go. Big named fancy stores like Victoria Secret among others have recently moved in, maybe its just me but they seem to unimpressed and look like every thing else offered just with bigger price tags. Much bigger.
With all my wha wha wha-ing about this mall I will be going back a couple more times before Christmas...there is just something about this time of year that draws me into it.
We went shopping yesterday at West Edmonton Mall. We can't call it Christmas shopping since we bought a birthday gift and some discount rack clothes for our selves.
I really love going to WEM around Christmas time. The lights, the sounds, the music & the people...oh man the people. So many people. Some grumpy, some oblivious to others around, some rude, some happy, some friendly....A good mix of personalities for sure....The line ups are starting to get long and it seems the Christmas staff is in place to accommodate. The shelves are freshly stocked and not yet rummaged through where everything thing is all over the floor and usually in wrong spots. WEM is bad for that I find.
The one thing that struck me though was how flaming hot it was in every store...We left our jackets in the car even knowing we would be warm inside lugging them around, but even in just our sweaters we were cooking. Please turn down the heat in your stores when its cold out side. We dress for the cold out side so by the time we make it to the mall we don't require the heat cranked up, and with all the people.....oy! It was pretty uncomfortable.
We took the boys too....I had a 2 for 1 coupon for a WEM all day attraction pass and I told them they could go spend a few hours there but they had to come up with half of the amount for a one person ride all day pass....they were pretty happy to do this I'll tell ya what! They were counting their coins and making deals (Nathan had waaaay more money than Daniel) and really getting along about it all, these two don't always 'agree' on everything. I admit I was a little concerned leaving them alone but we created meeting spots and had cell phones hooked up and made them swear they wouldn't leave each others side....They had a blast and we had four hours of leisurely people watching and window shopping and it only cost us $16.00. Not bad I say.
WEM doesn't wow me though. I don't find it spectacular or as incredibly large as described...it is surprising to see the same store over and over again just on different levels and in different phases. It seems to be showing it's age and besides a few new rides at Galaxy Land doesn't show much in the way of upgrading like many smaller or regular size malls have been lately. It can be quite run down even when it comes to some washrooms.
Stores come and go. Big named fancy stores like Victoria Secret among others have recently moved in, maybe its just me but they seem to unimpressed and look like every thing else offered just with bigger price tags. Much bigger.
With all my wha wha wha-ing about this mall I will be going back a couple more times before Christmas...there is just something about this time of year that draws me into it.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mexico Potpourri
Still a no show on Nathan's pics so in the mean time you will see a potpourri of fuzzy, weird, goofy, first time and a reality check and what ever.
First I'll start with an exciting first. Nathan's first time on a airplane...yaaaay!

Goofy. These boys are really starting to look alike.
Some kind of alien Tayler doing the conga line

weird and wonderful. Yup, that is Daniel and Tayler up on stage in front of hundreds of people doing a traditional Mexican dance. Except not reeeeally doing it, more like giggling to music.

Some of the survivors of a turtle rescues gone by.

Terry, Tayler and Daniel have not yet learned the art of not making eye contact when the performers come looking for conga participants. I however, am a professional.

Dos cerveza por favor!

Nathan and Mommy playing on the shore, what a fun mom and son moment.

And now here he is looking at just one of the many inappropriate t-shirts and souvenirs available for purchase while his Mommy laughs and takes a picture of his shocked little face.....do you think he understands what he is seeing? I can only hope not.

And this pic because its so very rare to catch this one being goofy with a camera around. amazing what vacations can do to a person.
Ahhh yes, this was our little treat at the end of our Mayan village adventure. Although she had permission, Tayler opted for the soda instead. Smart move Tay.
And here it is, the reality check. We came home to Christmas on the shelves, a high of -15 in the forecast and snow, snow, freakin snow.

And for the piece de resistance...I give you a dead truck....deader than dead. My extremely mechanical and talented husband did everything he could to get my baby going again....the ignition was locked. locked up tight, there was nothing he could do to get her going...sooooo, away she went, just before the snow flies.
Welcome home bank account. *Reality bites sometimes.
First I'll start with an exciting first. Nathan's first time on a airplane...yaaaay!
Goofy. These boys are really starting to look alike.
Some kind of alien Tayler doing the conga line
weird and wonderful. Yup, that is Daniel and Tayler up on stage in front of hundreds of people doing a traditional Mexican dance. Except not reeeeally doing it, more like giggling to music.
Some of the survivors of a turtle rescues gone by.
Terry, Tayler and Daniel have not yet learned the art of not making eye contact when the performers come looking for conga participants. I however, am a professional.
Dos cerveza por favor!
Nathan and Mommy playing on the shore, what a fun mom and son moment.
And now here he is looking at just one of the many inappropriate t-shirts and souvenirs available for purchase while his Mommy laughs and takes a picture of his shocked little face.....do you think he understands what he is seeing? I can only hope not.
And this pic because its so very rare to catch this one being goofy with a camera around. amazing what vacations can do to a person.
And for the piece de resistance...I give you a dead truck....deader than dead. My extremely mechanical and talented husband did everything he could to get my baby going again....the ignition was locked. locked up tight, there was nothing he could do to get her going...sooooo, away she went, just before the snow flies.
Welcome home bank account. *Reality bites sometimes.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
It's Terry's turn...
Through Terry's underwater camera I give you his view of our Mexican vacation 2010.
Meet snorkel fishy, he actually isn't snorkeling.

Meet giant sombrero Nathan loving the mariachi music...

...he's also a wave runner
Our three Canadian touristas.
Tayler and I wearing the yellow tanks looking at a Mayan temple. Though this by far was not the biggest temple there, it was the more preserved. As the Mayan calender is circular and in three sections of different sizes...as they move and come together over the years certain significant dates repeat. As like we like to renovate our homes, it is known that every 57 years the Mayan calender comes together to a point that tells them it is time to renovate...not just change the paint colour but total get rid of all they have and start clean...instead of tearing down the temples and building new they build new ones over the old. The one in this photo, one of the smallest had 9 temples inside where as some of the larger ones, like the one you see us (not me) climb had only 7. Cool huh? Oh, and you know the prediction of the end of the world in 2012 according to the Mayan calender? yeah, well that is simply just the calender starting completely over. We never see the same day again in our calender system, it will never ever again be November 17,2010, but the Mayans see the same days. So 2012...this is actually the begining!!

From inside the Cenote everyone (but me) repelled down.

What would our trip be with out a coral Inukshuk?

Snorkel Nathan makes an appearance.

He found a feathered friend.

These iguanas clearly didn't respect the wet floor sign. Must be a rebel gang.

Highlight of the trip for me.....coming across a fresh hatching of sea turtles and getting to hold them!! No kidding. Eco-Bahia works hard to monitor natural turtle nest in the sand of a few varieties...they time the fertilization period then dig up the nests when they think/know its hatching time. It is their goal to make sure that every turtle gets at chance a life...no running for their lives towards the ocean where if left on average less than 5% make it....in this hatching there were over 150 turtles, I got to hold one and man did he want to make a break for the water, just doing what comes natural. It was cool to find that their shells are actually hard. Cool? I can tell you it was beyond cool.

And for those of you sitting on the edge of your seats waiting with great anticipation for a glimpse through Nathans lens, ~~Hi Grandma!!! ~~Hi Pam!!~~ I can't make any promises. We can't seem to get the photos off right now....he was using an old digital that was bound for the recycle bin at his dad's work and is old style...so old we can't find a way to get the pics off the memory card. We will make every effort I assure you. :o)
Meet snorkel Dan...Hi Dan!
Meet giant sombrero Nathan loving the mariachi music...
...he's also a wave runner
From inside the Cenote everyone (but me) repelled down.
What would our trip be with out a coral Inukshuk?
Snorkel Nathan makes an appearance.
He found a feathered friend.
Tayler playing a wee little guitar on the streets of Playa.
These iguanas clearly didn't respect the wet floor sign. Must be a rebel gang.
Highlight of the trip for me.....coming across a fresh hatching of sea turtles and getting to hold them!! No kidding. Eco-Bahia works hard to monitor natural turtle nest in the sand of a few varieties...they time the fertilization period then dig up the nests when they think/know its hatching time. It is their goal to make sure that every turtle gets at chance a life...no running for their lives towards the ocean where if left on average less than 5% make it....in this hatching there were over 150 turtles, I got to hold one and man did he want to make a break for the water, just doing what comes natural. It was cool to find that their shells are actually hard. Cool? I can tell you it was beyond cool.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Mexico via Daniel
Its only right to carry on with the "borrowing" of photos from the rest of the family. Mine could get boring after a while and I think its kind of neat seeing what the kids deem picture worthy. We even have a few from Nathan. I haven't actually seen Nathan's yet though so I am not sure how that will go. He dropped his camera in the sand pretty early on so we'll see what he came up with. That will have to be for the end of the week though since he is at his Dad's right now.
So, with out further a due, I give you some of Daniel's POV.
Daniel's favorite part...the flight!
So, with out further a due, I give you some of Daniel's POV.
Daniel's favorite part...the flight!
Some kind of wild Mayan creature.
Ancient stone tablets giving some clues to a civilization that once was. Not much left of their history due to the mass destruction of all that was Mayan when the Spaniards laid claim to the land.
A windy day for walk up and down the beaches of Playa Del Carman. We had a fantastic lunch on the sand (but really on a table on the sand)
And of course the daily towel art we found on our beds upon our return to our rooms after long days in the pool and on the beach.
Daniel with the Mayan Shaman right after he cleansed us before we could go into their sacred Cenotes
A poisonous snake of the ~I can't remember the name~ variety...this snake is actually eating another of the same kind in this photo...turns out it was very disrespectful of us to take photos of this (all of our group stopped, not just us) so our guide had to return to this spot and ask for forgiveness or something like that.
He didn't really tell us what he did when he returned.
Monday, November 15, 2010
More Mexico...
Here are a few pictures I grabbed from Tayler's camera....some of her point of view.
From the top of the Coba ruins, if you look really hard you can probably see me waaay down below.
From the top of the Coba ruins, if you look really hard you can probably see me waaay down below.
And there she is Miss "look at me climbing a pyramid while my Mom is to chicken to do it" ok, she may not be say that exactly. Yaaay Tayler.
Strolling the streets of Playa Del Carman...pre explosion thank you God.
One of these things doesn't belong here, three of these things are kind of the same...can you spot the fake.
Fooooood....did i mention we ate A LOT!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
We're back from our Mexican vaca....!
So many many maaaaany pictures. Such a lack of organisation.
I have a problem, I take the pictures, but I don't sort, organise or do anything with them.
We had such a good time in the Riviera Maya. No one got sick, not one got hurt, well, I might have hurt my ankle just a little jumping into the sand off a half wall with wedges on and a weee bit of alcohol in me. FYI:Do not attempt. ouch.
I persevered. We carried on with our wonderful evening beach walk with seriously wonderful waves lapsing onto the shore and the stars above twinkling just for the five of us.
We ate. We ate and we ate. Oh my but my body could not handle two weeks of all inclusive buffet. After just one week I am slightly rollie pollie. Man how I ate.
The kids had a blast, you could tell by their sad little faces as we landed in Edmonton last night. Tayler was wishing her heart out that some one would come up to her and say "just kidding, your heading back again tonight"
Nathan wanted to speak Spanish so badly, he was asking Terry every five seconds "how do I say this? how do I say that?" He was the biggest snorkeler of the bunch, always in the ocean chasing the fish.
Daniel was amazing, sometimes amazingly annoying since he couldn't seem to make a move on his own, that was surprising since at home he is the most independent of them all. He seemed to need some one to go with him to do everything. But he was our trolley guide. With us having access to three resorts there were numerous different trolleys, very poorly marked, to take you to various locations through out, you could only tell them apart by what lane they were in.
Daniel had the system down. That Dan, he used to be so afraid of EVERTHING, not anymore, now I have that only honour. He climbed to the top of pyramids, zip lined across crocodile infested waters, repelled down into deep dark cenotes ,mastered the call of the monkey and took a scuba lesson. Nathan & Tayler did amazing too. Tayler was so easy going, so relaxed so easy to please. So happy to do or not do anything...she is a good companion traveler, just so happy to be there.
Here are a couple of unedited pictures in no particular order.
I have a problem, I take the pictures, but I don't sort, organise or do anything with them.
We had such a good time in the Riviera Maya. No one got sick, not one got hurt, well, I might have hurt my ankle just a little jumping into the sand off a half wall with wedges on and a weee bit of alcohol in me. FYI:Do not attempt. ouch.
I persevered. We carried on with our wonderful evening beach walk with seriously wonderful waves lapsing onto the shore and the stars above twinkling just for the five of us.
We ate. We ate and we ate. Oh my but my body could not handle two weeks of all inclusive buffet. After just one week I am slightly rollie pollie. Man how I ate.
The kids had a blast, you could tell by their sad little faces as we landed in Edmonton last night. Tayler was wishing her heart out that some one would come up to her and say "just kidding, your heading back again tonight"
Nathan wanted to speak Spanish so badly, he was asking Terry every five seconds "how do I say this? how do I say that?" He was the biggest snorkeler of the bunch, always in the ocean chasing the fish.
Daniel was amazing, sometimes amazingly annoying since he couldn't seem to make a move on his own, that was surprising since at home he is the most independent of them all. He seemed to need some one to go with him to do everything. But he was our trolley guide. With us having access to three resorts there were numerous different trolleys, very poorly marked, to take you to various locations through out, you could only tell them apart by what lane they were in.
Daniel had the system down. That Dan, he used to be so afraid of EVERTHING, not anymore, now I have that only honour. He climbed to the top of pyramids, zip lined across crocodile infested waters, repelled down into deep dark cenotes ,mastered the call of the monkey and took a scuba lesson. Nathan & Tayler did amazing too. Tayler was so easy going, so relaxed so easy to please. So happy to do or not do anything...she is a good companion traveler, just so happy to be there.
Here are a couple of unedited pictures in no particular order.
If I don't do it randomly like this you will never get to see them. I need to get more organised.
Nathan loved Mexico.
Nathan loved Mexico.
Me. Making a rare apearance.
The five of us spending our last hour there in a hamock. Perfection
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- Terry's Girl
- Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier