Tuesday, November 23, 2010

-27 wake up call

Funny thing when it gets to be this cold (-35 with the wind chill) It makes me feel happier about it being winter. (until I have to to something out side) I wish I was staying home and not going out in it but at the same time it brings a sence of comradery in the work place. It is something that is affecting every one, all together at the same time.
I can associate it (in my brain anyway) to the feeling I get when I am at a sporting event, of any kind. We are all here together experiencing the same thing all at once.
We're all in this together.

It may be harder to explain than I thought.

I was even surprised to see that all the buses were running and no school was going to be affected. It seems that over the past few years the schools shut down at the drop of a snow flake, that may be exaggerating a bit but not to far off.

And the thing that put a smile on my face when I got to work this morning.......some one looking at me with a straight face as I walk into our office area and asked me:
"Is it cold enough for you?"
With my mouth agape for a few seconds all I could pre-coffee muster was "Did you seriously just ask me that question?"

In case your on the edge of your seat, the answer is yes...YES it is cold enough for me today.


  1. Yikes! Please keep that coldness over there for a while! I'm rather enjoying our balmy -4 and even the fluffy white snow that is coming along with it!

  2. Flash to 2 days later and we are at +1C today. Yesterday started out at -32C and today .....


  3. That crazy Alberta weather!!! When we have -32C
    we have it clinging to us for a week and then up
    it goes to -15C and we in Wpg. think it is SPRING!! Oh, the joys and bonus of living in


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier