Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday's Fitful Thoughts

~How does that one dark sock always sneak its way into the load of white towels and sheets when I am bleaching? I swear I checked.

~When you haven't heard from your kid after school as normal you accept that the day is beautiful and they are probably just enjoying the last bit of sunshiny warmth before winter hits, leave them alone and pretend there are no cell phones, give them a moment of down time.
Then you get home to a phone call/message that their school was in lock down for an incident (which was never stated) and that the RCMP take these matters very seriously....!!!!!!!!! Oh, you bet I will be requiring a call from now on. Technology is here now people, let's use it for what it is.

~I am so very comfortable at work on Fridays. Way more at ease and relaxed. I swear I get more work done (the first half of the day anyway, I fade fast after lunch) I wonder if I would be this happy and content at work if I wore jeans and a t-shirt everyday or would it just become the 'everyday' and not be special anymore? I might do a test one time....if I get brave enough.

~We now have an air cadet in the family. Daniel has let go of his flyer delivery technician post to pursue other interests. haha..Daniel has always said he wants to be a pilot one day, now that he is twelve he can join the air cadets which he is unbelievably excited about. That kid, like he doesn't have enough going on. He wants this so bad though, you can see a sparkle in his eyes that wasn't there before. He will fly one day guaranteed. I feel such a big lump of happiness for him chasing his passion.

~Tayler is getting her wisdom teeth removed next month. It will be nice to see her stop. Even if its not for a nice reason, am sure there will be pain, discomfort, blood and swelling cheeks...but she was told to rest and do nothing for 3 to 5 days afterwards. I can't remember the last time she had a day doing nothing. Between school, work, sports and B/F she is constantly on the move. I don't want her making this go go go schedule a life style she adopts permanently. She may miss seeing her double rainbow.

~Leela Gilday, if your out there reading this (and I am sure you check in daily.....LOL) I have an 8 year old son who is crazy over your music. He sings like he knows all the words (he doesn't and he doesn't stop to really listen to try to learn them which is making his older brother lose his mind, I like it) he always asks to put your CD in when we are in the truck, Sedze, and he sings loud and proud and happy. He knows we saw you sing in Banff one time and he asks a million questions, "what songs did she sing, did she talk too, was there lots of musicians there" it's just realy cute because this isn't normal behavior for him. I think he is just starting to get on his music groove and this is where he wants to begin. He says he wants to sing and dance all the time. Cute. You have a big little fan.

~Going on a Fall photo walk this sunday in Elk Island National Park. I am looking so forward to the quiet, peaceful beauty that Fall displays for us. It is my hope to be able to capture some of that beauty to bring back into our home.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.
Take a few quiet moments to look around and see.


  1. I don't know why, maybe its the Leela song I am now listening to but i'm a little teary reading today. sniff. your (not so little) family is hitting it's autumn groove. it sounds like you are content today. makes me really happy. can't wait to spend some time with you this weekend. and those little munchkins again on sunday. yay morris/gambles. I like you.

  2. Yah, Daniel! I hope you have an adventurious time in Air Cadets. Here's to a future pilot:) I will definitely be telling Bec about Tayler having her wisdom teeth out:) Bec is suppose to and keeeps putting it off as she remembers Kim's experience (Only good thing Bec can think of doing it for is to lose some weight from not being able to eat for days :) Hope and pray all will go well with that experience , Taylor :)


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier