Thursday, July 29, 2010
The 200 club....
Congratulations Michel on the amazing accomplishment of 200 ~IN A ROW~ photo posts on your blog Wishful Thinking!
I know for a fact how hard it is. I tried it and didn't even last the week.
In honor of this giant milestone Michel is doing a giveaway!! All you have to do is post a comment and your in! Git on over there then.
Now, I wonder what I can do 200 of in a row...hmmmm, make breakfast? no, Terry makes me breakfast....make my bed?..BAH ha hahaha Nope! ...take a picture? I don't know, sounds like to much comitment. I'll will have to think further on this one, I am waaaaay to lazy.
Brilliant job Michel, just brilliant. (use heavy British accent with this one)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Hot Wheels Track
I encouraged him to take out his Hot wheels track to see if he could build a cool long track with a jump.
I tagged along with my camera playing with settings and pushing buttons still trying to figure things out.
I need to work on my shutter speed a bit more.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Change- some things are better left as is.
I am talking about my grocery store.
It is in chaos right now! Entering into the grocery store I have been frequenting for the last ten years I am now greeted with a sign thanking me for my patients while they make changes to serve us better.
But I don't want to be served better and I never mentioned beng patient about it!
I liked the way I was being served before.
Whether I was in a hurry just grabbing a couple of things or in there for the long haul I always knew where I was going with out thought. I had a path.
It was the one place I could go in robotic DUH mode and come out the other side with everything I went in for and not have to put to much thought or effort into doing it.
I was in control in that store.
I would walk out of the store after a big shop feeling pretty darn good about my self, especially since I am the ~self proclaimed~ 'best bagger on the planet'.
Something I pride my self on. I can have my overflowing cart of groceries packed PROPERLY and paid and on my way out the door while the person who was in front of me continues to struggle with their bags.
*tip to you folks I may embarrass ~get yourself some reusuable bags~
There were times I have had to stop at another location of the same chain, even though they kind of had the same lay out, I still left there feeling a bit off, like I forgot something or I was intruding.
Going to buy groceries has gone through a giant evolution for me over the years...from counting my pennies and having to put things back at the till to now having the privilege to go a little wild and grab that tub of ice cream or that name brand of cereal. No matter what stage I was at in my life the isles stayed the same, the pit stick was where I needed it to be and the milk was conveniently located just so.
My one constant is now in chaos to serve me better.
I am sure it will look fresh and modern with the latest and greatest gadgets to stimulate our buying senses. I am also sure they paid someone allot of money to design a new layout to help us with our shopping needs and to subtly encourage us to spend just a little bit more.
Change is inevitable but does it have to be at the one place I am in complete control?
I hope this doesn't throw off my packing groove. Man I am good at that. Did I mention that? Right, well.....I am.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Just because I am a woman & a Mom....
There. I said it. What a load off.
Dear People in offices,
While I do think its really great you had a baby. Good job. That's crazy hard work.
I do not however like being trapped into a corner at work or in my cubical jail forced to admire and coo over your baby.
I am a mother of three but that does not mean I like babies. I don't. I am so over babies.
I don't have some maternal instinct pulsing through my body drawing me over to every stroller on the street and toddler in the park to goo and ga at making a whole lotta ridiculous comments and funny voices.
I will congratulate you with a smile, whisper good luck and say a little sanity prayer under my breath for you, but I don't need to know all the gruesome details of your labor or how much little Timmy has grown in the last week.
Can't we have a designated spot for baby lookers. A place where people can gather around you that actually WANT to make goofy faces at babies. Make an announcement or send an email "calling all baby crooners to the lunch room"....give the rest of us a break.
Oh, one thing you should maybe know, it is OK for you to lock yourself in the bathroom* while little Susie screams on and on...take a break, bring a magazine. Trust me.
*I have a feeling this may put me in the finals for mother of the year.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Getting older and wiser?
I have gone to a few different classes lately. Just one evening type things. Tutorial, self help kind of classes.
I always..ALWAYS..go into the these classes worried that I will be the class dummy sitting there with a big smile on my face nodding with out a clue from the table at the back of the class.
I end up finding that most of the material being covered is pretty logical every day simple stuff and I do in fact know what the heck is going on!
Not only am I able to follow along with the material I find that I am adding to the information by speaking up and sharing my knowledge on the subject. YES! ME!! speaking up and sharing my knowledge. Go figure.
I find my self teetering on the edge of boredom near the end of the class thinking about all the things I should be doing at home.
It is not until I get back home and share my class experience with Terry that I realise I walked away with some good information and I then feel glad I went and that perhaps it wasn't all that much of a waste of time that I thought it was. Every little thing helps.
Moral of the story is that I have to start giving myself more credit. Stop taking the "safe" classes and maybe explore the world of the unknown.
Indulge myself in the odd class or course that I know not a thing about the subject.
I am capable and smart enough.
I can do this.
How exciting!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
should I be allowing this? *UPDATE*
The boys are home alone during the day this week and next week (almost 13 and almost 9) while their sister is taking a summer school course and we are at work.
They are biking to and from swimming lessons I signed them up for lasting for the next two weeks.
I was worried, but they are doing great so far, working together and taking care of each other. I trust them whole hearted to follow the road rules and signs, with out a doubt. They have a cell phone and they check in before they leave to and from.
I feel worried every minute until they get home wondering if this was the right thing to do.
Today though, I talked to them after lunch asking what they ate expecting to hear a sandwich or pizza pop or chips topped with sugar and chocolate or something like that...oh no...I get "oh yeah, we had lunch already, Daniel BBQ'd some hot dogs for us".... I said what?!
I was instantly proud of him followed directly by fear....I didn't let them catch on to the latter, I just proceeded through the questions of 'did you shut it off properly' -'have any flames' etc....
Everything went fine. We have him start the BBQ all the time and he is always watching.
Still, when is old enough?
Tonight when we get home, a little recap on fire safety.
I guess my little guys are growing up.
*Just got off the phone with the boys, asked what they did for lunch today....Ice Cream Sundays....Yup, kids will be kids...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday blahs desguised as Tuesday
How do you shake no-good-reason yucky feelings?
I am in here. I see the sunshine and feel the love.
Go ~code invisible~
It's my only hope before a false self destruction.
Going into ~Operation Recon*~ for the rest of the day. I may be unreachable.
Where are those grey rainy clouds when you need an excuse?
I'll be back.
Friday, July 16, 2010
A trip back
I wasn't going to go initially, even though deep down I wanted too....I didn't want to spend the money needlessly and I really didn't listen to Bon Jovi at all any more, just what came on the radio.I do have a Kid Rock CD in my truck that frequents the player especially on long road trips. My guilty pleasure, Terry has come to like it too.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Team-Up Thursday: Where We Live

You should grab a pal near or far and play along....get your creative juices flowing. If you do try, let me know, I would love to see your shots.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The 37th year *update*
Yay me.
I turn 37 today.
Not only is it my birthday, today also marks the 10th anniversary of coming to Edmonton.
Ten years ago today we drove through Pine Lake just before a horrific tornado tore through the camp site making us wonder just what we were getting into coming here.
So much has happened in the last 10 years. Its kind of interesting to have such a significant couple of events to mark a time line. I am usually so very forgetful when it comes to remembering dates and how old I was when something happened...what was that year again? Not with this date, too many things happened then.
My 27th birthday didn't seem that significant at the time but throw in a nasty tornado, rolling into an city unknown to us with no home yet to call our own and the whole new millennium thing to boot, that year stands out to me quite well.
In the past 10 years I had another baby to add to my little clan to make three. Surprise!
I had fallen so far down deep into a hole of sorrow and self pity I could barely see the light. I surrendered to that life in the black only to somehow instantly start turning it around finding some strength inside to push through...forced my self to trade school, asking others for help, torturing my kids with what was found to be less than adequate child care, (fyi-never put your kids in a discount day home) talking my way into a ground level job in the giant world of the industrial oil field industry.
I put away stock, swept floors, picked parts...shipped/recieved then went back to school again to get the hell out of what felt like another abusive world full of really mean people.
I found my way into an office position doing things I didn't understand. I left the fork lift for another piece of machinery I had yet to learn to drive, the computer.(but I got so good at driving the fork lift)...from here things went uphill with minor pot holes...I found me. I took the leap of faith and moved out of my home and filed for divorced, leaving sorrow and sadness behind.
I found my own place, found the generosity of others. I found self esteem and independence that I had no idea even existed in me....I found a wonderful man who I am now proud to call my husband.
My kids get to have two good homes with parents who can communicate maturely. (mostly)
I still have a really great job (although some days I wonder).
I get to travel places and buy groceries any time I want too. (something I forever wished for)
I get to laugh and play.
I am fit and healthy.
I am happy.
Today as I turn 37 I reflect back on the last 10 years and give my self a pat on the back.
17-27---full of bad decisions-(or not, seeing is how they all got me here)
27-37---time to wake up and see the light
37-47---a future full of possibilities.
I look forward to the next ten with eyes and heart wide open living for the day.
I have no expectations, no big must do's or must have's.
I am going to like being 37.
An interesting start to the day today, I was 5 minutes late for work today, and seriously Michel, I didn't freak out or anything. ( I have some anxieties about things)
When I heard one of my favorite songs come on the radio in the truck this morning it made me feel so good...Wheat Kings-The Tragically Hip....there is just something about that song. One line goes--'You can't be fond of living in the past because if you do then theres no way that your gonna last.'
Have a great day every expectations.
a.k.a. The birthday girl
what a day it has been...I will be enjoying a couple of relaxing hours at the spa on Friday afternoon thanks to my Terry, I recieved some pretty pretty flowers delivered to me at work in the morning..thank you M&M, I then got the call there was yet another delivery waiting for me at reception, a large bouquet of purple baloons from Winnipeg...thank you Dad and Suz. My kids all called me from their vacation with their Dad in B.C. so awesome...i loved hearing from them.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Forever Young
Since getting a new bike for my b-day last year, the first one since I was a little girl, we have been slowly discovering how much we love bike rides...we seem to need some where to go though, a destination.
We went to the gym together this weekend on our bikes...oh what fun! We had such a good time and being at the gym on the weekend is wonderful, everyone else it out living life and enjoying the sunshine. It is our bliss.
In the parking lot of the gym we are members at is a skate park where kids can do tricks with their skate boards and bmx bikes. No one was around when we were passing by Saturday morning so my always-a-kid-at-heart husband thought he would take a lap or two......
We quickly discovered that Terry's 15 year old, no suspension, bike was not quite cut out for this type of activity so we bailed before any road rash incidents.
He's so cute with his pants tucked into his sock....I wonder if that's what the kids who frequent this park are doing nowa days....?
Saturday, July 10, 2010
natures little helpers
We came across a Mommy duck trying ever so patiently to get her babies across the road to the safety of the pond near by.
This trusting mom let us help her. I am blown away by the trust she put in us to help her get her family safely across this busy did she know that we stopped these big metal monsters for her? How did she know they wouldn't move an inch until she was across?
We feel so honored to have been given the opportunity to lend a helping hand.
Friday, July 9, 2010
picture blog
That's Matt in front of the cabin getting his rope ready to go on his wake board. The wind wasn't very co-operative though.
We played some crochet.
Sat on the dock watching the boats and lake creatures.
Another dock shot

The boat of the weekend (Michel's photo )
We are hoping we can go back again next year, if they let us tag along again...hhhmmmm..I think we are in! :o) Now that we're in we can let our belt out and show our true colors..LOL
Just kidding.
Thank you so much for inviting us along on your family weekend. We had a great time.
Blog Archive
- The 200 club....
- Hot Wheels Track
- Change- some things are better left as is.
- Just because I am a woman & a Mom....
- Getting older and wiser?
- should I be allowing this? *UPDATE*
- Monday blahs desguised as Tuesday
- A trip back
- Team-Up Thursday: Where We Live
- The 37th year *update*
- Forever Young
- natures little helpers
- picture blog
About Me
- Terry's Girl
- Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier