Friday, July 23, 2010

Just because I am a woman & a Mom....

....does not mean I desperately want/need to hold your baby.
There. I said it. What a load off.

Dear People in offices,

While I do think its really great you had a baby. Good job. That's crazy hard work.
I do not however like being trapped into a corner at work or in my cubical jail forced to admire and coo over your baby.
I am a mother of three but that does not mean I like babies. I don't. I am so over babies.

I don't have some maternal instinct pulsing through my body drawing me over to every stroller on the street and toddler in the park to goo and ga at making a whole lotta ridiculous comments and funny voices.

I will congratulate you with a smile, whisper good luck and say a little sanity prayer under my breath for you, but I don't need to know all the gruesome details of your labor or how much little Timmy has grown in the last week.

Can't we have a designated spot for baby lookers. A place where people can gather around you that actually WANT to make goofy faces at babies. Make an announcement or send an email "calling all baby crooners to the lunch room"....give the rest of us a break.

Oh, one thing you should maybe know, it is OK for you to lock yourself in the bathroom* while little Susie screams on and on...take a break, bring a magazine. Trust me.

*I have a feeling this may put me in the finals for mother of the year.


  1. hahah.... "..but you've got to see the baaaaaby"

    this is ideal that you, as a mother, are saying this. us woman who don't have kids say this all the time and everyone nods their heads thinking, "oh she'll change her mind once she has one."

    love this.
    You have my vote, mother of the year! where's the ballot box?

  2. LOVE THIS !!!!!!

  3. Wow, I know where you are at right now. I felt this way for years after my 5 were grown up. Babies are a miracle and fab. but I don't need to know as you said all the details of every minute of their lives or to hold every one of them (except that is if they are MY GRANDCHILDREN
    Once I had a few years space of freedom from mothering young ones I gradually got excited again about little ones but must admit it is only with my grandchildren . Can't wait till more come along for us to spoil :)


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier