Thursday, July 22, 2010

Getting older and wiser?

Maybe 'wiser' is not the correct term but I am starting to realize I may perhaps actually be smarter than I thought I was.

I have gone to a few different classes lately. Just one evening type things. Tutorial, self help kind of classes.
I always..ALWAYS..go into the these classes worried that I will be the class dummy sitting there with a big smile on my face nodding with out a clue from the table at the back of the class.

I end up finding that most of the material being covered is pretty logical every day simple stuff and I do in fact know what the heck is going on!
Not only am I able to follow along with the material I find that I am adding to the information by speaking up and sharing my knowledge on the subject. YES! ME!! speaking up and sharing my knowledge. Go figure.
I find my self teetering on the edge of boredom near the end of the class thinking about all the things I should be doing at home.
It is not until I get back home and share my class experience with Terry that I realise I walked away with some good information and I then feel glad I went and that perhaps it wasn't all that much of a waste of time that I thought it was. Every little thing helps.

Moral of the story is that I have to start giving myself more credit. Stop taking the "safe" classes and maybe explore the world of the unknown.
Indulge myself in the odd class or course that I know not a thing about the subject.
I am capable and smart enough.
I can do this.
How exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Yes you are smart enough and you should take more classes.


Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier