Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Change- some things are better left as is.

While I am a big fan of change, and I have made some doozies over the past few years, I feel that some things are better left as they stand.

I am talking about my grocery store.

It is in chaos right now! Entering into the grocery store I have been frequenting for the last ten years I am now greeted with a sign thanking me for my patients while they make changes to serve us better.

But I don't want to be served better and I never mentioned beng patient about it!
I liked the way I was being served before.

Whether I was in a hurry just grabbing a couple of things or in there for the long haul I always knew where I was going with out thought. I had a path.
It was the one place I could go in robotic DUH mode and come out the other side with everything I went in for and not have to put to much thought or effort into doing it.
I was in control in that store.
I would walk out of the store after a big shop feeling pretty darn good about my self, especially since I am the ~self proclaimed~ 'best bagger on the planet'.
Something I pride my self on. I can have my overflowing cart of groceries packed PROPERLY and paid and on my way out the door while the person who was in front of me continues to struggle with their bags.
*tip to you folks I may embarrass ~get yourself some reusuable bags~

There were times I have had to stop at another location of the same chain, even though they kind of had the same lay out, I still left there feeling a bit off, like I forgot something or I was intruding.
Going to buy groceries has gone through a giant evolution for me over the years...from counting my pennies and having to put things back at the till to now having the privilege to go a little wild and grab that tub of ice cream or that name brand of cereal. No matter what stage I was at in my life the isles stayed the same, the pit stick was where I needed it to be and the milk was conveniently located just so.
My one constant is now in chaos to serve me better.
I am sure it will look fresh and modern with the latest and greatest gadgets to stimulate our buying senses. I am also sure they paid someone allot of money to design a new layout to help us with our shopping needs and to subtly encourage us to spend just a little bit more.

Change is inevitable but does it have to be at the one place I am in complete control?
I hope this doesn't throw off my packing groove. Man I am good at that. Did I mention that? Right, well.....I am.

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Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


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Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier