What the....?
I got all of my messages and reminders out
here, so now what?
This is what we are supposed to do today...
Seek out the message you need to hear most today. Something that reminds you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and that it is enough.
If I am looking for something to tell me I am exactly where I need to be today I won't find it here at work. That. is. a. FACT.
Oh my, I could use some help with this one...I guess it may be slightly different. Others seem to be rolling along in the gallery with little mid-month messages in the form of notes, t-shirts and phrases that grace their lives.
Here is my favorite so far today....am I allowed to share others pictures on my blog?.....I would die of pure heart-filling-up-glee to open my locker at the gym to find this:

Mid month messages.
I've been dropping little love notes in the lockers when I go to the gym, lately. Here are the ones that will be going in random lockers today.
This was posted by this talented, big hearted gal, AnnGeeDee, who is a fellow participator in my month of Picture Fall. here is her flicker site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/anngeedee/
Well, it looks like your not getting a photo out of me regarding this prompt, at least not right now anyway, maybe tonight from home.
Got any ideas? Inspiration of your own messages that you are enough right now, right where you are? share.
And there it was the whole time....the message I was sure I wouldn't see at work because my mind wouldn't let me. I had my super negative force field on. My wall was up. It was as I was finally starting to shut down for the day I started to relax knowing it was Friday and the kids were coming back from their fathers house.....my negative force field was shutting down, I hate that thing anyway, I looked up and saw what had been in front of my eyes the whole day, for 5 years actually!! A simple note left on my desk one morning from the man I was falling in love with.
Out came the point and shoot from my purse:
I stumbled upon what matter when I stopped long enough to listen.
This is my most favorite at home message. It speaks volumes to me.