Monday, October 18, 2010


We are supposed to honour today what inspires us in photography daily.

Our Muse.

It is definitely no secret that when it comes to photography (and really the inspiration doesn't end there) Michel is my #1 inspiration.

I have always loved photography. Not necessarily the act of taking a picture but I would swoon over National Geographic photos, nature, people... things. I LOVE love magazines with beautiful pictures, fashion included but I never thought to pick up the camera and start taking the photos my self. I knew it was a lack of confidence to the extreme.

Michel gave me the push I needed. The support and encouragement to just DO IT! You don't have to be great at something to do it and have fun. Its not about being perfect, it's the journey the discovery, then comes the pride.

She is kind, patient and full of passion for her art. She never hesitates to stop and show me something new explaining it in red crayon, so to speak, so I understand. Never rushed, annoyed (at least out loud) or put out with me or my questions.

Not to mention she takes amazing photos. AMAZING!!!!

Ok ok, I have mushed on long enough...I honour you today, my Muse:


1 comment:

Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier