Thursday, October 14, 2010

Unexpected Enchantment

Today I am home from work. My darling daughter Tayler is getting her four wisdom teeth removed today. Nursing and caring for someone is quite low on my list of strong suits. I crumble at the sight of blood and although I know I am a loving person with empathy to spare something gets lost in me when I see some one hurt or weakened by sickness. I freeze.
I would function much better and be waaay more helpful if some one was telling me what to do. Give me the direction and I will busy myself full tilt until that task is completed and good!

To bad for Tayler. she's stuck with me today. I hope I don't throw up when I see blood oozing out of her. BLECH!!

I am a strong confident woman!

Today's photo prompt, number 14, asks us to look back and remember the good old days. Look back to a time when things were simpler. The first picture that came to mind was laying on a bed next to my Grandpa in front of a mega small t.v. watching the (NHL) playoffs while others were gathered around the much bigger t.v. or busy in the kitchen. THE BEST!

I have no photos of such thing sadly but I do have one very special 'dude' who came into my life about 5 or 6 years ago as a birthday gift from the man I now proudly call my husband.

This is the one treasure I share with no one, no kids are aloud to play with or remove it from its place...the comfort and need for this little 'dude' near me at night boggles my mind. There is just something so enchanting about him.


p.s. OMG, how the heck can I get paid for staying home!? I love it here during the day. I can't decide what to do first. I could clean, rearrange furniture, cook (or learn to better), work out, take photos, MANAGE photos, paint, bake, decorate, walk....I love it here. I could go grocery shopping during the day even! nice. I could get used to this fast.

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Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


About Me

Mom,Friend,Lover,Daydreamer,Wanna-be World Traveler,Thinker and extreme worrier